Friday, February 20, 2009

Factual Friday

Sebring Wedding Photography

I love Jesus. I try to make Him #1 in my life. It is hard, and I'm selfish, but I know that He loves me even when I mess up.

When I take photos of people, I'm looking for the most attractive part of them. I try to find the spot where the light hits the person in such a way that it just makes him or her gorgeous. I do this because I believe God looks at all of us the same way. God isn't looking for our faults. He sees us all wrapped up in His son, Jesus, who sacrificed Himself for us. It makes us glamorous.

Enough preaching for the evening! Just thought you should know that about me. Digg Technorati Delicious StumbleUpon Reddit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful. It bring tears to my eyes. By His blood, we are healed.

My number #1 problem in my life has been solved for me. I pray that God will show me how to live out my gratitude.

In Him,